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Anna McCoy highlights Makeba Waller, a Certified Sonographer on Anna Live

Every Friday @10am, The Anna Live Show creates a special platform on Facebook Live to showcase today’s rising entrepreneurs, so you can learn from their inspiring stories, their setbacks as well as their successes.

During this 2 Part episode, we spoke with Makeba Waller, Sonographer and owner of Ultra View Imaging in Arlington, Texas. I love the work that she does, and the energy and professionalism that she does it with! Makeba was filled with so much preventive healthcare information that one show was simply not enough time to share it all. She shared with us her why's and how she became an entrepreneur. She noted that in a defining moment of her career, she made the choice to go from working for a staffing agency to having her own, taking her power back and spiraling her onto the road of #entrepreneurship #freedom and #service in the field of preventive health as a certified sonographer.

“It seems I didn’t have the fear of going on my own, because of my mom. She was a successful entrepreneur and because of her, I never thought it wouldn’t work. I’m a believer, you know. I didn’t have any business experience, but I told my husband give me 6 months, and I’ll make it work. Now almost 20 years later, I’m still going strong!”

The Importance of Using a Sonogram for Early Detection

Most people don’t realize how large the scope of sonography is. Sonograms allow practitioners to view abnormal build up in a person’s arteries, detect signs of breast cancer or the formation of blood clots, but in a cost-efficient way. Makeba can screen for high risk patients, such as those with a family history of cardiovascular disease, who smoke and are 50+ years old; or whose mother or aunt have had ovarian cancer. Elective services are performed anytime from conception to term, and a pregnancy confirmation can be done for women who have had miscarriages in the past.

Many people believe you must have a referral from a physician to get a sonogram and the truth is that you don’t. You can come anytime into Makeba’s facility and take advantage of her sliding scale or use your own insurance. Unfortunately, we’ve been trained to not ask any questions of the medical system. Don’t allow your physician to dictate where you can go and who you can see.

“I know that some people have been mistreated at a facility because of their socioeconomic background, but I honor and respect all of my patients. It doesn't matter if you’re rich, poor, black or white, you can come and not worry about cost. I give everyone my best! I am always asking God to give me His eyes, so I don’t miss anything. This is my own space, and if my clients are comfortable, we can even pray for them if they choose.” #beyourownpersonalcareadvocate

A Businesswoman of Excellence

Makeba Waller was voted one of the top 25 technologists in Dallas, Texas! God gave her a gift and she is putting it to good use. Makeba proudly boasted, “The most amazing thing I have witnessed is seeing my own unborn grandchild yawn and smile in 4D!” Just check out these amazing pictures and videos of babies in 3D, 4D and 5D and on

For those of you who want to become your own PCA – a personal consumer advocate – and empower yourself and others on their health choices or create a profitable healthcare business model, feel free to use Makeba’s entrepreneurial journey to inspire and encourage your own. You can call her at (817) 465-8439 or email

More about Coach Anna

On AnnaLive, we are committed to sharing these entrepreneurial stories and providing you coaching that supports you while fulfilling your destiny. Want to be on the show? submit your request @ We welcome entrepreneurs who can provide value with authentic stories that educate our subscribers.

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